Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome to Wisdomology101!

Welcome to Wisdomology101's blog! We are 3 "live your best life" ladies (who happen to be in the same family) on a mission to jumpstart 2010 and put ourselves and our personal growth back on the to-do list!  Cheers to that! We are embarking on a 50 day challenge to open our hearts and minds, to release toxic thoughts and people (and perhaps a little cellulite! ha) and to let  joy and the vision of our highest and best selves rise to the surface. Feel free to join us on this journey! Here's our plan of attack:
For 50 days, we'll strive to do the following each day:
1. Absorb the "big ideas" from a great self development book or work by a philosopher. Thanks to Brian Johnson and his "insanely genius" PhilosophersNotes, this is as easy as listening to a 20 minute mP3. (Imagine an entertaining, audio "CliffsNotes" summary of thought provoking books. Check it out here.
2. Express our gratitude daily whether it be online at or written in our personal journals.
3. Do some form of movement/exercise for 30 minutes each day. I like to walk while I listen to my mP3 player, but any form of movement will do! Yoga, wii, name it. Movement rocks!
4. We will consciously drink more WATER and add at least ONE serving of fresh fruit or veggies to our daily consumption.
So, here goes! We'll try to share it all- the good, the bad, the joyous, and the we are all in different places/stages in our lives. A quick recap of our sparkly hostesses on this challenge:
*Electra- 36 year old Mompreneur, with 2 boys under 6, loves all things inspirational!
*Katherine- 31 year old new mommy to precious 6 month baby girl, is a loving, doting wife and Twilight fan!
*Kathy- (age is just a number) is the proud Mama of E and K, and she is thinking of starting a blockbuster franchise with all her unused fitness equipment and extensive wellness library of books, videos, gadgets, etc.
Seriously, she is enjoying her retirement spoiling her grandchildren and chillin' with her beloved Pom-poo, Sebastian.  So...that is a quick peek into our lives as we take this challenge one baby step at a time! Join us!

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