Thursday, January 14, 2010

Da#4 PhilosophersNotes Challenge- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

The Big Leap..."Discovering your Zone of Genius" (where you are in flow and at your ulitmate level of success, abundance, love, and contribution) "is your life's BIG LEAP" are you ready to take the BIG LEAP?
What can I say, this is one of my favorite notes! Who doesn't want to push past their self inflicted "happiness setpoints" in their Zone of Genius and inspire everyone around them? I sure do!

So how do we do this?
For starters, we have to be willing to feel good all the time. Sometimes can you catch yourself creating drama, or self-sabatoging because things have been going too well for too long? That is because you have exceeded your happiness "setpoint" and you create this negativity to bring yourself back down to where you are comfortable. But what if you settled in to feeling good ALL the time? What if you raised your "glass ceiling"...well, you can! Push past your upper limits. Hendricks says that most of the time these upper limits about how much love or success or happiness we can have are programmed into us as children. Once we surpass these limits, we sabatoge ourselves so we'll shrink down to where we are comfortable. That is where the big leap comes in- keep leaping above your upper limit, and you'll start to recognize and manage those behaviors that are keeping you out of your zone of genius. You'll start to recognize them and stop them in their tracks, gradually raising your happiness setpoint.

Worry and breathing into your fear were also points that were similar to the last 2 day's notes. Worry and fear will keep you from playing in your zone of genius.

Breakthroughs, Stabilization, and Integration- what a powerful concept. To give the analogy of weight loss, to many losing weight, making that breakthrough, is not difficult. Now, stabilizing your weight, keeping it off, and INTEGRATING your new way of eating into your life permanently...well, that is a different story! If you want ANY change to be lasting and must focus on Stabilization and Integration.

Finally, we all must find and fully use our gifts. Imagine making a handshake deal with the universe to use yourself fully. To do so, you must utilize your unique talents! Your specific brilliance! To copy someone else is a waste of time. There will never be another Michael Jackson. Any artist trying to reproduce the magic of Michael Jackson...he will lose! Can you imagine Dave Matthews trying to BE Michael Jackson...he would fail. It would not be authentic. But by Dave Matthews being HIMSELF and sharing his unique style and gifts with the world, look what a gift he has given us! The authentic gift of himself.  BE YOURSELF! Everyone else is taken.

So what are you passionate about? What brings you JOY! What would you still do if you had all the money in the world? Well, go out and find a way to get paid to do that! Let your interests and passions guide you.

Here's to us all taking The Big Leap, lifting the glass ceilings that contain our happiness, breathing into our fear, and discovering, nurturing, and sharing our specific brilliant gifts. I can't begin to do this note or this book justice, but I hope there are a few points you can take to help you LEAP into your ZONE of GENIUS! Sweet dreams! xo, Electra     If you are new to PhilosophersNotes, get your free note here!

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