Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh....not honoring ALL of my commitments!

OK- so I started this challenge with a BANG! So much so, that I got my mom and sister involved.
It didn't seem like such a big leap for me to do this 50 day challenge- after all, I already listen to PhilosophersNotes everyday, so how hard could it be to add a commitment to also COMMENT on the note, exercise 30 minutes (not so bad, since I usually walk while I listen), drink more water, and add at least one extra serving of fruits or veggies a day. How hard could that be? I thought it would be do-able...until I had the grand idea of starting this blog. HA! Sure, how hard could it be to write a blurb about each book and then collect one from my mom and sister and simply upload it? Well, it proved harder than I thought, and now I'm a bit disappointed that I overextended myself and have not even kept up the schedule I was ON, before I started the dang challenge...what's up with that?  We had about 4 solid days of total commitment, by one...we started falling by the wayside.

To be fair to myself, I think in tackling alot, I have made some small gains on a few more fronts. But the fact that I bit off WAY more than I could chew- resolutions-wise, and this challenge-wise...well, I am a bit disappointed that I have fallen by the wayside. So, I from here on out- you may get a summary of the high points from all three of us, or only one, or if I am sick with the flu like I am may just get a video of Brian talking about the high points! haha

Sometimes life comes at you fast. Since I started this challenge, a dear friend of our family was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He is only 57 years old, and one of the nicest and most sincere people I've ever met. Ron has the kind of tumor that will continue to come back even if they get it with chemo and surgery. We are praying for him and if you are so inclined, I'm sure he'd appreciate all the prayers he can get!  So, I am not going to get hung up on this blog. I'll do the best I can- if we are a day or two or three be it! Thanks for understanding! xo, E

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