Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mom's commentary Day#4- The Big Leap

Mom writes: Hello E...I am busy re-setting my thermostat, so that I can self -actualize without having to karate chop my way through all those layers of ceiling I adopted during childhood! Yeah baby...I am headed out today full tilt ....or as full tilt as I can get at my age! Going to ride the bike and dance myself into a state of frenzy! Waving to my fears, as I go....which reminds me of the gremlins book, where I learned to encase the gremlins in a bubble and pop them as they rose up to bug me! I liked the part about breathing into your fear,too...which brought to mind all those lamaze classes from days gone by! I know it works from having my patients do it if they have anxiety in the can see their muscles relax as they do the deep, methodical breathing! Another highlight for me was the 10 minute conversations you don't want to have and how they will bring immediate relief and rewards...I'll have to try that one next time something needs resolving around here....My other favorite part was the "Playful wonder being characteristic of living in the zone of genius..." like the kids do without even trying! I really am diggin' the PN for kids...we need to get on that right away...happy day, honey bunny....I love you....Mamacita

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