Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day #3 Katherine's commentary on How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Woo hoo! Day#3 underway! Here's what Katherine has to say:
Besides ulcers and headaches, stress gives you lines in your face like you can't believe! But, don't worry, rest and relaxation can help! holla! Get out your Crisco, and let the tension slide off. Feels good....go on....let it go. If the Crisco doesn't get it all, Dale Carnegie tells us to 1. Write down what's really got you worried- "I'm stressed about......"

2. what are the possible solutions-"What I can do is"

3. Make a decision-" I will do....."

4. Start doing it-take action NOW

As our YiaYia always told us, "Carpe Diem", SEIZE THE DAY". Don't take today for granted....Live it, Love it!

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