Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day #6 "The Millionaire Mindset" by T Harv Eker

Wow! Katherine did a fabulous job of highlighting this note:

Think like the Rich Do:), Don't complain, don't be a victim-you are stronger than that! Shoot for the Stars-cuz u r!, Bless the things that you want. For example, if you want someone's figure, bless them! Bless you Electra and your fab figure! Think positive thoughts and eliminate the negative!!! Negative thoughts, people, energy need to be expelled from your life:) Enjoy

Financial Freedom

1. Are you playing to win or are you playing to not lose? Commit to playing to WIN

2. Fruits/roots-what's underneath creates whats above. Change what's on the inside to strengthen the roots then the fruits will come.

3. Declarations vs. affirmations -declaration is intention I am creating financial freedom/affirmation-I am financially free.

4. PTFAR Programming leads thoughts leads to feelings leads to actions produce results

5 GROW-income can grow only to extent you grow.

6 No thought lives in your head rent free

7. Poor people play victim, rich people drive steering wheel of life

8. arms/legs-anyone who says money isn't important doesn't have any.

9. Don't complain-worst thing for your health/wealth. 7 day with no complaints. LOVE THIS.. Don't be a victim EVER. Next time you complain, take finger across your throat and slit your throat.. yikes

10. Poor WANT to be rich/ rich people are COMMITTED to being rich.

11. Stars and the moon/ poor people don't even shoot for the ceiling in their house.

People born to do great things so shoot for the stars.

12. Sizes, you vs. your problem. YOU are bigger than your problems. The BIGGER person you become character-wise, the smaller your problems seem.

13. Action always beats Inaction! Do it! Do it!

14. Blessings-bless that person/thing that you want. Bless you E! ha ha! Yeah

15. Affecting vs Infection-negative thinking itching/bitching-energy affecting inspiring or are you infecting...Funny I wrote about this yesterday

16. Giving and receiving are equal...same side of coin, ones not better.

17. Money Management 101

18. CZ-WZ comfort zone equals wealth zone. Jump out of your comfort zone, jump INTO your wealth zone. If you sit around and you are content-never striving, reaching, really challenging yourself and going for it...you'll never make that big leap into the wealth zone.

Awesome! Want more awesome summaries? Check out http://www.wisdomology101.com/

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