Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day#3 Kathy's commentary on Stop Worrying and Start Living

YaY for Day #3! Mom writes:
Happy Greetings, E...

Boy, did this one hit home! I have been working on so many of these already...and this is just what I needed....what a swift kick in the fanny can do for ya! I am ready to commit to stop so much analyzing and get with more DOING! No more crying over spilt milk, or living in the past, no more putting off living in the present while worrying about the future! So much of these things you know intellectually, but somewhere in the translating into reality a lot gets lost for me. I will make sure that what I commit to gets done now and not just dreamt about. I can't wait to try the ideas of writing down what stresses you, deciding what to do about it, deciding to do it and then doing it! Simple, and probably very effective...I find myself wanting to send everyone I know a shout out about what a great endeavor this whole process is....these are the folks who will change the world...not the politicians! (Unless they get on board in a hurry!!! or we infiltrate Brian and his team into the political arena!!) HOOAHH!! Hope you had another great day...are the boys aware of what you're doing?...maybe that's next on the list...a little people's PN...get to them early...what an opportunity to create early enlightenment and a generation of the best mini me's! love you to the sky...Mamacita
I love it! Yes, hopefully lots of this wisdom is sinking in and trickling down to the boys...but I love the idea of a PNotes for Kids...Concentrated Wisdom for your child's journey! My mini-me's teach me all the time- they are far more wise, forgiving, and compassionate than me- not that they can't be little devils sometime- it is just that children LIVE in the moment naturally, and we as adults STRUGGLE to BE in the moment (most of us) Anyhow....stopping and getting down at their eyelevel and playing on the floor with their legos, or getting in the dirt as they are captivated by a worm...that experience rivals any Eckhart teaching in my opinion, as they are natural MASTERS of being in THE NOW! My little jedis!!! Cheers to another day of  learning! xox, Electra

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