Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day #5 PhilosophersNotes Challenge: Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

"There is nothing that you cannot BE, DO, or HAVE"-Esther and Jerry Hicks

This book is the foundation for the Law of Attraction. Now, if you can suspend your disbelief about how they say they got this information (they say it was "channeled") then you are in for a real treat. It gives you ideas about how you can use your emotions as a guide to help "script" your ideal life and live your life on purpose!
My key learnings were:
I love the image of "tuning into the right frequency" as if love, abundance, and other good things could be "tuned" into, if we just changed the channel and got on that wavelength.
I dig the "internal control of your reality" concept, and how we all choose how we view the world.
Super cool analogy of tapping into Source Energy by showing appreciation...here's a high five to GratitudeLog and all goodness over there!
Finally, I will work on focusing my lens and imagining my ideal life, appreciating more, blaming less, and tuning more into love and abundance.

If these summaries resonate with you, check out the other titles and get your free summary of one here!

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