Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Katherine's Commentary "Ask and it is Given"

Girls, I'll admit it....I drive around all the time with just one bar left in my fuel gage. I try to keep it full, but I go here and there, do this, that, and before I know it, it's all gone. I know if I don't fill up soon, my car will not run and could cause some major damage to my engine. Just like my gas tank, my body can't run if I don't feed my soul and keep my body healthy! Lately I have been running on low, and like the notes say, I need to Recognize, Pause, and do a random act of kindness, appreciate what I have, think positive thoughts, dance, smile, and replenish. I have always been a positive person and kept positive people around me. I would add to this note that you need to surround yourself with positive energy, and eliminate the negative vibes/peeps around you.

Keep your emotional fuel gage in check!! The next big idea was about Scripting-universe will deliver it to you once you decide what you want. write your life script-who would you be, what would you do,have, play, create? Focus lense of desire...your ideal life! It is amazing how much the gratitude log helped me refocus on the positive and start my day right! Thanks Electra for the positive link you shared with me:). Mom, thank you for the wonderful food you shared with Jody and I the other night. See, I feel good and FUELED up, ready to ROCK IT!  I love you both to the sky! Keep your gas tank full....keep the negative vibes away from your life! Much of these notes are about the same things...being a good human, believing in yourself, and appreciating the goodness in your life. Karma, circle of life, whatever you want to call it. Try to do the best you can with what you have and find the good in life.

Be happy with what you are and have and be optimistic about what you want. Please send good vibes to my sweet sis, Electra. She is under the weather and needs some sunshine! xoxoxo

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