Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Katherine's Day #2 commentary on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1. Be Proactive- don't be a Pavlovian dog-you have the ability to choose your own response!

HONOR YOUR COMMITMENT-take an inventory of your commitments and decide which ones are most important and RECOMMIT and Finish them!! I did this just this morning! It is huge when you hold yourself accountable for the commitments you make. Stick to it, if you fail, get up, dust off and start again if it's important. I woke up this morning and that is the first thing I thought after listening to this yesterday! HONOR MY COMMITMENTS! This was the highlight of Philosopher's notes for me:) 2. Begin with the end in mind. Get clear on what it is that you want in your life. If you can plan a vacation, why not plan an ideal life? Think about what you want people to say and feel about you at your funeral.

3. Put first things first. PRIORITIZE

4. Quadrants Urgent/Importance-be in the quadrant that is not urgent, but important!

5. What the heck was #5. Had to nurse Baby Eva- "mulk-shake" time got me a little distracted!

6.Synergy and Nature- the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

7. Sharpen Saw-take time to RENEW.

Have a fab day!

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