Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Introducing Kathy, "Cougar" Mama-cita and her commentary on the 4 Agreements

Behold, my darling Mommy! Sweet Mom, so glad to have you with us on this challenge. I know what you are thinking- we look like sisters...yeah! I know, we get that ALL the time. Hope I age as gracefully as her! She had a 19 inch waist when she got married. Unfortunately I couldn't fit in her dress...when I was 12!
No complaints here, I appreciate my sturdy nature. It is hard to knock me down! haha

I tend to have *FIREWORKS- like* energy at the onset of any challenge, and then sometimes after the fun, explosions, and excitement is over...sometimes I drift away from the task at hand- much like the smoke from the fireworks (ADD, anyone? I prefer to say CREATIVE or ENTREPRENEURIAL triggered ADD....thank you very much) So, my point being...I'm countin' on YOU, Mom,  to keep up your end of the deal! Full steam ahead! 
Mom is a book lover, and a kind, gentle, nurturing soul. She is taking a break from Dental Hygiene, and her patients are already missing her, but she has really been enjoying rocking out on her Wii dance during her sabbatical. Her father (my grandfather John) passed away right before Christmas and she spent much of her time caring for him.  Now that he's in heaven, she's taking some much needed time to care for herself.

From the time I was a child, Mom would relax and retreat in the comfort of her books. She has quite a collection. She also has an extensive collection of workout DVDs, you name it- she's bought it. Yes, Mom...the Billy Blanks Tae Bo VHS tapes are a STEAL at only $1...but I don't have a freakin' VCR anymore. Thanks for volume 1-12 though! Mean it- Love you!  Mom is a voracious reader, and she does read all the books she buys. But the workout equipment, and fitness library...goodness gracious...hello, Craigslist?  We have enough for a Gold's Gym here, people.

So, since I take walks with "Brian" (aka- ahem, actually not him, but his digital PhilosophersNotes-ha!) Brian is going to be Mom's new walking buddy hopefully throughout this challenge. "Digital-Brian" is my favorite walking buddy. He always adjusts to my pace, whether it is fast or slow. He's always up for a walk- he'd be up for a short run if I wanted. Shoot, he can even double on a bicycle with me!  He never backtalks, always has something inspiring and enlightening to say...and he is ready to go at a moment's notice, and never complains when I drag him to wait in carpool line, but happily keeps me company. haha

So, Mom has emailed her blog post in to me to post....he're goes! Enjoy!_________________________
Kathy writes:
As far as the Four Agreements go,  I might add that I have been using the "Make your word impeccable" for quite a while now...since I first read the book a few years ago and I can say without hesitation, that I have noticed a subtle, but profound change in the actual language that I speak. I am much more aware and careful that everything I say is the truth and that it is honest. That, in turn, holds me to a higher standard which seems to spill over into my entire value system. It's like you get used to "doing the right thing" and when you misstep, you are immediately drawn back into line because of the palpable discomfort you feel being out of sync...does that make sense??? I am glad to be actually “participating” in this blog! In the meantime, I will try to figure out how to do it myself...________________________________________________________
YaY Mom...thanks for playing. Gosh, it is midnight. Hugs and love....talk tomorrow! xo

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