Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day #3 PhilosophersNotes- How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living...Wow, I am going to take this to heart. I stay up late, don't get enough sleep, continue to run on empty, and although I am not a worry-wart, I do feel the manifestations of STRESS and lack of sleep which results in FATIGUE. Here's what I learned from the note and hope to apply:
Learn to relax. Relaxation prevents worry. Did you know MOST fatigue comes from emotional factors? Stress, anxiety, worry, unrest, negative self talk- our EMOTIONS produce nervous tensions that cause FATIGUE. Prevent fatigue=Prevent worry.
Fear, worry, and stress destroy our health! Since it is widely believed the you can't cure the BODY without curing the MIND, then we need to GET RELAXED! So how do we do that?
1. Identify what's bothering you.
2. Stop arguing with reality- accept things as they ARE, not as you wish them to be
3. What can you do about what is bothering you? Identify it & TAKE ACTION!
Knowlege isn't power until it is APPLIED, so what wisdom do you KNOW, but not apply? Now APPLY it!
For me, I know I need sleep and exercise and water to be a happy camper. If days go by and I let these areas fall by the wayside...look out world, the bull is on the loose!
Still time to hop on the 50 day challenge- start anytime! Check it out here  Sweet dreams! Electra

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