Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Introducing Katherine, my darling sister and her commentary on the 4 Agreements

***So, I'd like to introduce my GORGEOUS sister, Katherine. I have nicknamed her Pebble. My grandmother, Jeanette, we call "the Rock because she has always been our "Rock" of steadfast strength and inspiration. Katherine is a good listener, great cheerleader and has great patience and empathy- she is on the path of "the Rock" so I nicknamed her Pebble, as she's like a little "Rock"

She has a wonderful husband who is a very talented landscape architect- if you are in the Lowcountry of SC give him a holla here: Furman Land Design
Anyway, she and Jody have a precious new baby, Eva, and a sweet doggie named Honey. Katherine will be sharing her insights in between nursing Eva throughout the day, her part-time job managing rental properties, and when she can squeeze it in between reading US Weekly and watching a wide array of reality television. Girlfriend has the new mom glow "goin' on" and today she emailed me her post- I particularly enjoyed her reverse psychology strategy for agreement #2. Most of us would interpret "Don't take things personally" and internalize it...Katherine has an interesting twist in educating her husband on this note, so HE can easier tolerate her less-than-loveable moments. Oh, Kat, we know you NEVER have those!!!! Enjoy! _____________________________
Katherine writes:
love it love it love it! I finally finished the first notes from your link! thanks! I really love doing this challenge with you and Mom....YaY!...now, what do I need to do and how did you learn how to do all that??? thanks for the twilight nod...ha! have you started reading it yet? you too will become a fan! I walked today, wrote in the gratitude log and listened to the notes. overall I feel like it was good and I hopefully can make time each day! I listened to the mP3 as Eva nursed my giant bazoombas and I tried to absorb all this goodness while Baby E was having her "mulk-shake" ha!ha! Sweet husband Jody was in the kitchen cooking. Jody laughed at me and said so can all this enlightenment lighten our mortgage?! haha then he really listened and said that I played the "4 Agreements" with him b/c it happened to coincide with me apologizing for being a crab today! No excuses, so I won't dwell on reasons why, but was slightly displacing my aggravations. He said that by reinforcing to HIM to "not take things personally"...that was not a free pass for me to be displacing my anger or as he said using him as a whipping boy! I told him that I was proud of him for being "aware" of the situation! haha....love you to the sky...feel free to enter any, none, all of the above commentary...love ya!
Great post, Kat! Thanks for playing....see u tomorrow!

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