Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Other comments on "The Millionaire Mindset" by T. Harv Eker

Mom writes: Hi Electralicious!

This is mom checking in with notes on the latest PN...I enjoyed this one very much...some familiar, some new ideas. I love the part about nourishing your roots first...we all do seem to want the fruit first, without preparing the soil, and nurturing the roots, so I will be more mindful now of this in the future. I've noticed on my journey that what he says about the relationship between your problems and where you are on the road to enlightenment is so true...the older and wiser you become, the less of a big deal most of our problems really are. We are better able to cope with things when we have everything in it's proper perspective... I will work on stretching my comfort zone, nourishing my roots, blessing that which I want in my life, and working consistently in the direction of my goals! How about them apples??? I love you and hope you are feeling better sweetie...call me!

Thanks Mom! For me this note was about dreaming a bigger dream for yourself and I'll sum up my highlights in 2 comments:  "Shoot for the moon- even if you fail, you'll land amongst the stars" How cool is that? To be financially prosperous, we really have to reset our "possibility thinking"....meaning what is possible for our lives?
Secondly, a great analogy was given about the size of you vs. the size of your problems. If on a scale from 1-10 (10 being best!) If your character is a  4 and your problem is a 5, then that problem will seem ENORMOUS. But as your character grows, the relative size of that same problem would diminish. If your character was a 9, that size 5 problem wouldn't seem like such a big deal.  Cool concept.

So many excellent points in this note, but many themes that have swirled throughout the first week of notes: Dream a bigger dream for yourself, tune into abundance, tap into the energy of the universe by showing appreciation and gratitude, improve your character to decrease the relative "size" of your problems, focus and expect that in order to have wealth, you are gonna have to step out of your comfort zone.

Make it a great day! Electra

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