Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh....not honoring ALL of my commitments!

OK- so I started this challenge with a BANG! So much so, that I got my mom and sister involved.
It didn't seem like such a big leap for me to do this 50 day challenge- after all, I already listen to PhilosophersNotes everyday, so how hard could it be to add a commitment to also COMMENT on the note, exercise 30 minutes (not so bad, since I usually walk while I listen), drink more water, and add at least one extra serving of fruits or veggies a day. How hard could that be? I thought it would be do-able...until I had the grand idea of starting this blog. HA! Sure, how hard could it be to write a blurb about each book and then collect one from my mom and sister and simply upload it? Well, it proved harder than I thought, and now I'm a bit disappointed that I overextended myself and have not even kept up the schedule I was ON, before I started the dang challenge...what's up with that?  We had about 4 solid days of total commitment, by one...we started falling by the wayside.

To be fair to myself, I think in tackling alot, I have made some small gains on a few more fronts. But the fact that I bit off WAY more than I could chew- resolutions-wise, and this challenge-wise...well, I am a bit disappointed that I have fallen by the wayside. So, I from here on out- you may get a summary of the high points from all three of us, or only one, or if I am sick with the flu like I am may just get a video of Brian talking about the high points! haha

Sometimes life comes at you fast. Since I started this challenge, a dear friend of our family was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He is only 57 years old, and one of the nicest and most sincere people I've ever met. Ron has the kind of tumor that will continue to come back even if they get it with chemo and surgery. We are praying for him and if you are so inclined, I'm sure he'd appreciate all the prayers he can get!  So, I am not going to get hung up on this blog. I'll do the best I can- if we are a day or two or three be it! Thanks for understanding! xo, E

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Other comments on "The Millionaire Mindset" by T. Harv Eker

Mom writes: Hi Electralicious!

This is mom checking in with notes on the latest PN...I enjoyed this one very much...some familiar, some new ideas. I love the part about nourishing your roots first...we all do seem to want the fruit first, without preparing the soil, and nurturing the roots, so I will be more mindful now of this in the future. I've noticed on my journey that what he says about the relationship between your problems and where you are on the road to enlightenment is so true...the older and wiser you become, the less of a big deal most of our problems really are. We are better able to cope with things when we have everything in it's proper perspective... I will work on stretching my comfort zone, nourishing my roots, blessing that which I want in my life, and working consistently in the direction of my goals! How about them apples??? I love you and hope you are feeling better me!

Thanks Mom! For me this note was about dreaming a bigger dream for yourself and I'll sum up my highlights in 2 comments:  "Shoot for the moon- even if you fail, you'll land amongst the stars" How cool is that? To be financially prosperous, we really have to reset our "possibility thinking"....meaning what is possible for our lives?
Secondly, a great analogy was given about the size of you vs. the size of your problems. If on a scale from 1-10 (10 being best!) If your character is a  4 and your problem is a 5, then that problem will seem ENORMOUS. But as your character grows, the relative size of that same problem would diminish. If your character was a 9, that size 5 problem wouldn't seem like such a big deal.  Cool concept.

So many excellent points in this note, but many themes that have swirled throughout the first week of notes: Dream a bigger dream for yourself, tune into abundance, tap into the energy of the universe by showing appreciation and gratitude, improve your character to decrease the relative "size" of your problems, focus and expect that in order to have wealth, you are gonna have to step out of your comfort zone.

Make it a great day! Electra

Day #6 "The Millionaire Mindset" by T Harv Eker

Wow! Katherine did a fabulous job of highlighting this note:

Think like the Rich Do:), Don't complain, don't be a victim-you are stronger than that! Shoot for the Stars-cuz u r!, Bless the things that you want. For example, if you want someone's figure, bless them! Bless you Electra and your fab figure! Think positive thoughts and eliminate the negative!!! Negative thoughts, people, energy need to be expelled from your life:) Enjoy

Financial Freedom

1. Are you playing to win or are you playing to not lose? Commit to playing to WIN

2. Fruits/roots-what's underneath creates whats above. Change what's on the inside to strengthen the roots then the fruits will come.

3. Declarations vs. affirmations -declaration is intention I am creating financial freedom/affirmation-I am financially free.

4. PTFAR Programming leads thoughts leads to feelings leads to actions produce results

5 GROW-income can grow only to extent you grow.

6 No thought lives in your head rent free

7. Poor people play victim, rich people drive steering wheel of life

8. arms/legs-anyone who says money isn't important doesn't have any.

9. Don't complain-worst thing for your health/wealth. 7 day with no complaints. LOVE THIS.. Don't be a victim EVER. Next time you complain, take finger across your throat and slit your throat.. yikes

10. Poor WANT to be rich/ rich people are COMMITTED to being rich.

11. Stars and the moon/ poor people don't even shoot for the ceiling in their house.

People born to do great things so shoot for the stars.

12. Sizes, you vs. your problem. YOU are bigger than your problems. The BIGGER person you become character-wise, the smaller your problems seem.

13. Action always beats Inaction! Do it! Do it!

14. Blessings-bless that person/thing that you want. Bless you E! ha ha! Yeah

15. Affecting vs Infection-negative thinking itching/bitching-energy affecting inspiring or are you infecting...Funny I wrote about this yesterday

16. Giving and receiving are equal...same side of coin, ones not better.

17. Money Management 101

18. CZ-WZ comfort zone equals wealth zone. Jump out of your comfort zone, jump INTO your wealth zone. If you sit around and you are content-never striving, reaching, really challenging yourself and going for'll never make that big leap into the wealth zone.

Awesome! Want more awesome summaries? Check out

Katherine's Commentary "Ask and it is Given"

Girls, I'll admit it....I drive around all the time with just one bar left in my fuel gage. I try to keep it full, but I go here and there, do this, that, and before I know it, it's all gone. I know if I don't fill up soon, my car will not run and could cause some major damage to my engine. Just like my gas tank, my body can't run if I don't feed my soul and keep my body healthy! Lately I have been running on low, and like the notes say, I need to Recognize, Pause, and do a random act of kindness, appreciate what I have, think positive thoughts, dance, smile, and replenish. I have always been a positive person and kept positive people around me. I would add to this note that you need to surround yourself with positive energy, and eliminate the negative vibes/peeps around you.

Keep your emotional fuel gage in check!! The next big idea was about Scripting-universe will deliver it to you once you decide what you want. write your life script-who would you be, what would you do,have, play, create? Focus lense of desire...your ideal life! It is amazing how much the gratitude log helped me refocus on the positive and start my day right! Thanks Electra for the positive link you shared with me:). Mom, thank you for the wonderful food you shared with Jody and I the other night. See, I feel good and FUELED up, ready to ROCK IT!  I love you both to the sky! Keep your gas tank full....keep the negative vibes away from your life! Much of these notes are about the same things...being a good human, believing in yourself, and appreciating the goodness in your life. Karma, circle of life, whatever you want to call it. Try to do the best you can with what you have and find the good in life.

Be happy with what you are and have and be optimistic about what you want. Please send good vibes to my sweet sis, Electra. She is under the weather and needs some sunshine! xoxoxo

Mom's commentary on "Ask and it is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Mom writes:  Hello sunshine!

Today's note is short and sweet...stay tuned in to your highest frequency...surround yourself with like minded individuals on the same wave length to help you stay on the right station", keep filling your tank before it gets on empty, with joy,appreciation, love, freedom and acceptance....and remember that visionaries survive in ALL times, despite the circumstances and that to that we aspire! Enjoy your weekend, sweetie, and get some rest! love and hugs, Mom

Day #5 PhilosophersNotes Challenge: Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

"There is nothing that you cannot BE, DO, or HAVE"-Esther and Jerry Hicks

This book is the foundation for the Law of Attraction. Now, if you can suspend your disbelief about how they say they got this information (they say it was "channeled") then you are in for a real treat. It gives you ideas about how you can use your emotions as a guide to help "script" your ideal life and live your life on purpose!
My key learnings were:
I love the image of "tuning into the right frequency" as if love, abundance, and other good things could be "tuned" into, if we just changed the channel and got on that wavelength.
I dig the "internal control of your reality" concept, and how we all choose how we view the world.
Super cool analogy of tapping into Source Energy by showing's a high five to GratitudeLog and all goodness over there!
Finally, I will work on focusing my lens and imagining my ideal life, appreciating more, blaming less, and tuning more into love and abundance.

If these summaries resonate with you, check out the other titles and get your free summary of one here!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"It Is Well With My Soul" Wintley Phipps

The song is powerful, but the first two minutes where he is talking, it gives me chills and makes my hair stand on end...starting with the "God wanted me to share something with you...."