Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh....not honoring ALL of my commitments!

OK- so I started this challenge with a BANG! So much so, that I got my mom and sister involved.
It didn't seem like such a big leap for me to do this 50 day challenge- after all, I already listen to PhilosophersNotes everyday, so how hard could it be to add a commitment to also COMMENT on the note, exercise 30 minutes (not so bad, since I usually walk while I listen), drink more water, and add at least one extra serving of fruits or veggies a day. How hard could that be? I thought it would be do-able...until I had the grand idea of starting this blog. HA! Sure, how hard could it be to write a blurb about each book and then collect one from my mom and sister and simply upload it? Well, it proved harder than I thought, and now I'm a bit disappointed that I overextended myself and have not even kept up the schedule I was ON, before I started the dang challenge...what's up with that?  We had about 4 solid days of total commitment, by one...we started falling by the wayside.

To be fair to myself, I think in tackling alot, I have made some small gains on a few more fronts. But the fact that I bit off WAY more than I could chew- resolutions-wise, and this challenge-wise...well, I am a bit disappointed that I have fallen by the wayside. So, I from here on out- you may get a summary of the high points from all three of us, or only one, or if I am sick with the flu like I am may just get a video of Brian talking about the high points! haha

Sometimes life comes at you fast. Since I started this challenge, a dear friend of our family was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He is only 57 years old, and one of the nicest and most sincere people I've ever met. Ron has the kind of tumor that will continue to come back even if they get it with chemo and surgery. We are praying for him and if you are so inclined, I'm sure he'd appreciate all the prayers he can get!  So, I am not going to get hung up on this blog. I'll do the best I can- if we are a day or two or three be it! Thanks for understanding! xo, E

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Other comments on "The Millionaire Mindset" by T. Harv Eker

Mom writes: Hi Electralicious!

This is mom checking in with notes on the latest PN...I enjoyed this one very much...some familiar, some new ideas. I love the part about nourishing your roots first...we all do seem to want the fruit first, without preparing the soil, and nurturing the roots, so I will be more mindful now of this in the future. I've noticed on my journey that what he says about the relationship between your problems and where you are on the road to enlightenment is so true...the older and wiser you become, the less of a big deal most of our problems really are. We are better able to cope with things when we have everything in it's proper perspective... I will work on stretching my comfort zone, nourishing my roots, blessing that which I want in my life, and working consistently in the direction of my goals! How about them apples??? I love you and hope you are feeling better me!

Thanks Mom! For me this note was about dreaming a bigger dream for yourself and I'll sum up my highlights in 2 comments:  "Shoot for the moon- even if you fail, you'll land amongst the stars" How cool is that? To be financially prosperous, we really have to reset our "possibility thinking"....meaning what is possible for our lives?
Secondly, a great analogy was given about the size of you vs. the size of your problems. If on a scale from 1-10 (10 being best!) If your character is a  4 and your problem is a 5, then that problem will seem ENORMOUS. But as your character grows, the relative size of that same problem would diminish. If your character was a 9, that size 5 problem wouldn't seem like such a big deal.  Cool concept.

So many excellent points in this note, but many themes that have swirled throughout the first week of notes: Dream a bigger dream for yourself, tune into abundance, tap into the energy of the universe by showing appreciation and gratitude, improve your character to decrease the relative "size" of your problems, focus and expect that in order to have wealth, you are gonna have to step out of your comfort zone.

Make it a great day! Electra

Day #6 "The Millionaire Mindset" by T Harv Eker

Wow! Katherine did a fabulous job of highlighting this note:

Think like the Rich Do:), Don't complain, don't be a victim-you are stronger than that! Shoot for the Stars-cuz u r!, Bless the things that you want. For example, if you want someone's figure, bless them! Bless you Electra and your fab figure! Think positive thoughts and eliminate the negative!!! Negative thoughts, people, energy need to be expelled from your life:) Enjoy

Financial Freedom

1. Are you playing to win or are you playing to not lose? Commit to playing to WIN

2. Fruits/roots-what's underneath creates whats above. Change what's on the inside to strengthen the roots then the fruits will come.

3. Declarations vs. affirmations -declaration is intention I am creating financial freedom/affirmation-I am financially free.

4. PTFAR Programming leads thoughts leads to feelings leads to actions produce results

5 GROW-income can grow only to extent you grow.

6 No thought lives in your head rent free

7. Poor people play victim, rich people drive steering wheel of life

8. arms/legs-anyone who says money isn't important doesn't have any.

9. Don't complain-worst thing for your health/wealth. 7 day with no complaints. LOVE THIS.. Don't be a victim EVER. Next time you complain, take finger across your throat and slit your throat.. yikes

10. Poor WANT to be rich/ rich people are COMMITTED to being rich.

11. Stars and the moon/ poor people don't even shoot for the ceiling in their house.

People born to do great things so shoot for the stars.

12. Sizes, you vs. your problem. YOU are bigger than your problems. The BIGGER person you become character-wise, the smaller your problems seem.

13. Action always beats Inaction! Do it! Do it!

14. Blessings-bless that person/thing that you want. Bless you E! ha ha! Yeah

15. Affecting vs Infection-negative thinking itching/bitching-energy affecting inspiring or are you infecting...Funny I wrote about this yesterday

16. Giving and receiving are equal...same side of coin, ones not better.

17. Money Management 101

18. CZ-WZ comfort zone equals wealth zone. Jump out of your comfort zone, jump INTO your wealth zone. If you sit around and you are content-never striving, reaching, really challenging yourself and going for'll never make that big leap into the wealth zone.

Awesome! Want more awesome summaries? Check out

Katherine's Commentary "Ask and it is Given"

Girls, I'll admit it....I drive around all the time with just one bar left in my fuel gage. I try to keep it full, but I go here and there, do this, that, and before I know it, it's all gone. I know if I don't fill up soon, my car will not run and could cause some major damage to my engine. Just like my gas tank, my body can't run if I don't feed my soul and keep my body healthy! Lately I have been running on low, and like the notes say, I need to Recognize, Pause, and do a random act of kindness, appreciate what I have, think positive thoughts, dance, smile, and replenish. I have always been a positive person and kept positive people around me. I would add to this note that you need to surround yourself with positive energy, and eliminate the negative vibes/peeps around you.

Keep your emotional fuel gage in check!! The next big idea was about Scripting-universe will deliver it to you once you decide what you want. write your life script-who would you be, what would you do,have, play, create? Focus lense of desire...your ideal life! It is amazing how much the gratitude log helped me refocus on the positive and start my day right! Thanks Electra for the positive link you shared with me:). Mom, thank you for the wonderful food you shared with Jody and I the other night. See, I feel good and FUELED up, ready to ROCK IT!  I love you both to the sky! Keep your gas tank full....keep the negative vibes away from your life! Much of these notes are about the same things...being a good human, believing in yourself, and appreciating the goodness in your life. Karma, circle of life, whatever you want to call it. Try to do the best you can with what you have and find the good in life.

Be happy with what you are and have and be optimistic about what you want. Please send good vibes to my sweet sis, Electra. She is under the weather and needs some sunshine! xoxoxo

Mom's commentary on "Ask and it is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Mom writes:  Hello sunshine!

Today's note is short and sweet...stay tuned in to your highest frequency...surround yourself with like minded individuals on the same wave length to help you stay on the right station", keep filling your tank before it gets on empty, with joy,appreciation, love, freedom and acceptance....and remember that visionaries survive in ALL times, despite the circumstances and that to that we aspire! Enjoy your weekend, sweetie, and get some rest! love and hugs, Mom

Day #5 PhilosophersNotes Challenge: Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

"There is nothing that you cannot BE, DO, or HAVE"-Esther and Jerry Hicks

This book is the foundation for the Law of Attraction. Now, if you can suspend your disbelief about how they say they got this information (they say it was "channeled") then you are in for a real treat. It gives you ideas about how you can use your emotions as a guide to help "script" your ideal life and live your life on purpose!
My key learnings were:
I love the image of "tuning into the right frequency" as if love, abundance, and other good things could be "tuned" into, if we just changed the channel and got on that wavelength.
I dig the "internal control of your reality" concept, and how we all choose how we view the world.
Super cool analogy of tapping into Source Energy by showing's a high five to GratitudeLog and all goodness over there!
Finally, I will work on focusing my lens and imagining my ideal life, appreciating more, blaming less, and tuning more into love and abundance.

If these summaries resonate with you, check out the other titles and get your free summary of one here!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"It Is Well With My Soul" Wintley Phipps

The song is powerful, but the first two minutes where he is talking, it gives me chills and makes my hair stand on end...starting with the "God wanted me to share something with you...."

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mom's commentary Day#4- The Big Leap

Mom writes: Hello E...I am busy re-setting my thermostat, so that I can self -actualize without having to karate chop my way through all those layers of ceiling I adopted during childhood! Yeah baby...I am headed out today full tilt ....or as full tilt as I can get at my age! Going to ride the bike and dance myself into a state of frenzy! Waving to my fears, as I go....which reminds me of the gremlins book, where I learned to encase the gremlins in a bubble and pop them as they rose up to bug me! I liked the part about breathing into your fear,too...which brought to mind all those lamaze classes from days gone by! I know it works from having my patients do it if they have anxiety in the can see their muscles relax as they do the deep, methodical breathing! Another highlight for me was the 10 minute conversations you don't want to have and how they will bring immediate relief and rewards...I'll have to try that one next time something needs resolving around here....My other favorite part was the "Playful wonder being characteristic of living in the zone of genius..." like the kids do without even trying! I really am diggin' the PN for kids...we need to get on that right away...happy day, honey bunny....I love you....Mamacita

Da#4 PhilosophersNotes Challenge- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

The Big Leap..."Discovering your Zone of Genius" (where you are in flow and at your ulitmate level of success, abundance, love, and contribution) "is your life's BIG LEAP" are you ready to take the BIG LEAP?
What can I say, this is one of my favorite notes! Who doesn't want to push past their self inflicted "happiness setpoints" in their Zone of Genius and inspire everyone around them? I sure do!

So how do we do this?
For starters, we have to be willing to feel good all the time. Sometimes can you catch yourself creating drama, or self-sabatoging because things have been going too well for too long? That is because you have exceeded your happiness "setpoint" and you create this negativity to bring yourself back down to where you are comfortable. But what if you settled in to feeling good ALL the time? What if you raised your "glass ceiling"...well, you can! Push past your upper limits. Hendricks says that most of the time these upper limits about how much love or success or happiness we can have are programmed into us as children. Once we surpass these limits, we sabatoge ourselves so we'll shrink down to where we are comfortable. That is where the big leap comes in- keep leaping above your upper limit, and you'll start to recognize and manage those behaviors that are keeping you out of your zone of genius. You'll start to recognize them and stop them in their tracks, gradually raising your happiness setpoint.

Worry and breathing into your fear were also points that were similar to the last 2 day's notes. Worry and fear will keep you from playing in your zone of genius.

Breakthroughs, Stabilization, and Integration- what a powerful concept. To give the analogy of weight loss, to many losing weight, making that breakthrough, is not difficult. Now, stabilizing your weight, keeping it off, and INTEGRATING your new way of eating into your life permanently...well, that is a different story! If you want ANY change to be lasting and must focus on Stabilization and Integration.

Finally, we all must find and fully use our gifts. Imagine making a handshake deal with the universe to use yourself fully. To do so, you must utilize your unique talents! Your specific brilliance! To copy someone else is a waste of time. There will never be another Michael Jackson. Any artist trying to reproduce the magic of Michael Jackson...he will lose! Can you imagine Dave Matthews trying to BE Michael Jackson...he would fail. It would not be authentic. But by Dave Matthews being HIMSELF and sharing his unique style and gifts with the world, look what a gift he has given us! The authentic gift of himself.  BE YOURSELF! Everyone else is taken.

So what are you passionate about? What brings you JOY! What would you still do if you had all the money in the world? Well, go out and find a way to get paid to do that! Let your interests and passions guide you.

Here's to us all taking The Big Leap, lifting the glass ceilings that contain our happiness, breathing into our fear, and discovering, nurturing, and sharing our specific brilliant gifts. I can't begin to do this note or this book justice, but I hope there are a few points you can take to help you LEAP into your ZONE of GENIUS! Sweet dreams! xo, Electra     If you are new to PhilosophersNotes, get your free note here!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day#3 Kathy's commentary on Stop Worrying and Start Living

YaY for Day #3! Mom writes:
Happy Greetings, E...

Boy, did this one hit home! I have been working on so many of these already...and this is just what I needed....what a swift kick in the fanny can do for ya! I am ready to commit to stop so much analyzing and get with more DOING! No more crying over spilt milk, or living in the past, no more putting off living in the present while worrying about the future! So much of these things you know intellectually, but somewhere in the translating into reality a lot gets lost for me. I will make sure that what I commit to gets done now and not just dreamt about. I can't wait to try the ideas of writing down what stresses you, deciding what to do about it, deciding to do it and then doing it! Simple, and probably very effective...I find myself wanting to send everyone I know a shout out about what a great endeavor this whole process is....these are the folks who will change the world...not the politicians! (Unless they get on board in a hurry!!! or we infiltrate Brian and his team into the political arena!!) HOOAHH!! Hope you had another great day...are the boys aware of what you're doing?...maybe that's next on the list...a little people's PN...get to them early...what an opportunity to create early enlightenment and a generation of the best mini me's! love you to the sky...Mamacita
I love it! Yes, hopefully lots of this wisdom is sinking in and trickling down to the boys...but I love the idea of a PNotes for Kids...Concentrated Wisdom for your child's journey! My mini-me's teach me all the time- they are far more wise, forgiving, and compassionate than me- not that they can't be little devils sometime- it is just that children LIVE in the moment naturally, and we as adults STRUGGLE to BE in the moment (most of us) Anyhow....stopping and getting down at their eyelevel and playing on the floor with their legos, or getting in the dirt as they are captivated by a worm...that experience rivals any Eckhart teaching in my opinion, as they are natural MASTERS of being in THE NOW! My little jedis!!! Cheers to another day of  learning! xox, Electra

Day #3 Katherine's commentary on How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Woo hoo! Day#3 underway! Here's what Katherine has to say:
Besides ulcers and headaches, stress gives you lines in your face like you can't believe! But, don't worry, rest and relaxation can help! holla! Get out your Crisco, and let the tension slide off. Feels good....go on....let it go. If the Crisco doesn't get it all, Dale Carnegie tells us to 1. Write down what's really got you worried- "I'm stressed about......"

2. what are the possible solutions-"What I can do is"

3. Make a decision-" I will do....."

4. Start doing it-take action NOW

As our YiaYia always told us, "Carpe Diem", SEIZE THE DAY". Don't take today for granted....Live it, Love it!

Day #3 PhilosophersNotes- How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living...Wow, I am going to take this to heart. I stay up late, don't get enough sleep, continue to run on empty, and although I am not a worry-wart, I do feel the manifestations of STRESS and lack of sleep which results in FATIGUE. Here's what I learned from the note and hope to apply:
Learn to relax. Relaxation prevents worry. Did you know MOST fatigue comes from emotional factors? Stress, anxiety, worry, unrest, negative self talk- our EMOTIONS produce nervous tensions that cause FATIGUE. Prevent fatigue=Prevent worry.
Fear, worry, and stress destroy our health! Since it is widely believed the you can't cure the BODY without curing the MIND, then we need to GET RELAXED! So how do we do that?
1. Identify what's bothering you.
2. Stop arguing with reality- accept things as they ARE, not as you wish them to be
3. What can you do about what is bothering you? Identify it & TAKE ACTION!
Knowlege isn't power until it is APPLIED, so what wisdom do you KNOW, but not apply? Now APPLY it!
For me, I know I need sleep and exercise and water to be a happy camper. If days go by and I let these areas fall by the wayside...look out world, the bull is on the loose!
Still time to hop on the 50 day challenge- start anytime! Check it out here  Sweet dreams! Electra

Inspiring Video to brighten your day!

Mom's Commentary: Day #2 PhilosophersNotes: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Mom writes:
Hi E...I really need to work on some of the things I learned on today's PN from Stephen Covey...I've been asking what my mission is in life for quite a while now and I've yet to discover it exactly! It seems my mission has been different things at different times in my educate myself, to be a good wife, to be a good mother, to do my job as a hygienist with compassion and integrity, to give back to my community through volunteerism, to support my extended family and be there for them, and now, in the second half of my life, I struggle to define my goals for here on out.This will take some introspection and examination, so I will contemplate this with great intention and get back to you on this one! I did succeed in playing in quadrant two tonight;inviting family and friends over for dinner and JUST DANCE on the Wii! I had let a cherished friendship slide for too long and this was an effort to reestablish that connection and I must say, it was a totally blissfullishiss success! Good food, good wine, good friends and lots of laughter goes a long way towards stirring up those good endorphines! Gonna get myself to bed early tonight though, so I will be ready for day # 3 of the PN Challenge! Sweet dreams,lovey!
YaY, Mom and much many things. Thanks for honoring your commitment to yourself and to me on Day#2 of our challenge! xox, E

Katherine's Day #2 commentary on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

1. Be Proactive- don't be a Pavlovian dog-you have the ability to choose your own response!

HONOR YOUR COMMITMENT-take an inventory of your commitments and decide which ones are most important and RECOMMIT and Finish them!! I did this just this morning! It is huge when you hold yourself accountable for the commitments you make. Stick to it, if you fail, get up, dust off and start again if it's important. I woke up this morning and that is the first thing I thought after listening to this yesterday! HONOR MY COMMITMENTS! This was the highlight of Philosopher's notes for me:) 2. Begin with the end in mind. Get clear on what it is that you want in your life. If you can plan a vacation, why not plan an ideal life? Think about what you want people to say and feel about you at your funeral.

3. Put first things first. PRIORITIZE

4. Quadrants Urgent/Importance-be in the quadrant that is not urgent, but important!

5. What the heck was #5. Had to nurse Baby Eva- "mulk-shake" time got me a little distracted!

6.Synergy and Nature- the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

7. Sharpen Saw-take time to RENEW.

Have a fab day!

Day #2 PhilosophersNotes- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey

Wow, with over 15 million copies sold, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was ranked the #1 most influential business book of the 20th century- but don't be fooled- it is not just for the business world! A key point that sums up the summary (ha!) is that PRIVATE victory comes before PUBLIC victory. Meaning if you are to be a success OUTWARDLY, you must first master yourself and your INNER world. Makes perfect sense! These 7 habits will help you master your time and your inner world:

Habit #1-Be Proactive
Habit #2-Begin with the end in mind (example- How do you imagine your funeral? how will folks remember you and the way you lived? Is what you imagine today what you want? Then be the change TODAY!)
Habit #3-Put First Things First (he breaks every event into quadrants based on whether they are urgent or important...probably spending WAY too much time on things that are not urgent and not important!)
Habit #4-Think Win/Win
Habit #5-Think First to understand...then to be understood!
Habit #6-Synergy- like the TEAM acronym- Together wE Achieve More!
Habit #7-Sharpen the Saw- play, renew, replenish your soul. Don't work feverishly without reflecting on where you are going, why you are going there, and how you are gonna get there! Work effectively- not just feverishly!

The biggest take-away for me was to HONOR my commitments!
I love the SYNERGY between yesterday's note and today's: The commitments we make- are you being PROACTIVE- towards your MISSION in life or REACTIVE- saying yes, overcommitting, to please, to be nice...whatever...Personally, being PROACTIVE (for me), was only defined by my APPROACH, but not necessarily my FOLLOW THROUGH. This is a really important distinction. Basically, Covey said that if you don't honor small commitments you make to yourself- whether it is waking up on time, cheating on your diet, failing to do things for yourself you intended to do, etc...that if these mini-commitments you make to yourself are broken many times a day, day after day, that it subconsciously that undermines your integrity. WoW. Never looked at it that way. 
Other sticky points for me were:
1. SAYING NO, because you are saying YES to something BIGGER...your mission! Loved that visual...say NO to things that aren't perfectly aligned with your highest and best mission.
2. Hang out in Quadrant #2! Focus on things that are important but not urgent- relationships, happiness, exercise, growth... Try to shut down Quad#4- time vampires! Things such as mindless TV, too much hypnotic twitter reading or Facebooking, celebrity tabloids, etc.
3. To find our specific mission in life is WORK- but so worthwhile, and a PROCESS! It does not happen in a flash, and our mission is constantly evolving! We all have different ROLES in life- so make GOALS for each of your ROLES! (Parenting goals, business goals, fitness goals, etc.)
Cheers to DAY #2 and honoring my commitment to this challenge (even if this is posted late due to internet problems beyond my control!)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Introducing Katherine, my darling sister and her commentary on the 4 Agreements

***So, I'd like to introduce my GORGEOUS sister, Katherine. I have nicknamed her Pebble. My grandmother, Jeanette, we call "the Rock because she has always been our "Rock" of steadfast strength and inspiration. Katherine is a good listener, great cheerleader and has great patience and empathy- she is on the path of "the Rock" so I nicknamed her Pebble, as she's like a little "Rock"

She has a wonderful husband who is a very talented landscape architect- if you are in the Lowcountry of SC give him a holla here: Furman Land Design
Anyway, she and Jody have a precious new baby, Eva, and a sweet doggie named Honey. Katherine will be sharing her insights in between nursing Eva throughout the day, her part-time job managing rental properties, and when she can squeeze it in between reading US Weekly and watching a wide array of reality television. Girlfriend has the new mom glow "goin' on" and today she emailed me her post- I particularly enjoyed her reverse psychology strategy for agreement #2. Most of us would interpret "Don't take things personally" and internalize it...Katherine has an interesting twist in educating her husband on this note, so HE can easier tolerate her less-than-loveable moments. Oh, Kat, we know you NEVER have those!!!! Enjoy! _____________________________
Katherine writes:
love it love it love it! I finally finished the first notes from your link! thanks! I really love doing this challenge with you and Mom....YaY!, what do I need to do and how did you learn how to do all that??? thanks for the twilight nod...ha! have you started reading it yet? you too will become a fan! I walked today, wrote in the gratitude log and listened to the notes. overall I feel like it was good and I hopefully can make time each day! I listened to the mP3 as Eva nursed my giant bazoombas and I tried to absorb all this goodness while Baby E was having her "mulk-shake" ha!ha! Sweet husband Jody was in the kitchen cooking. Jody laughed at me and said so can all this enlightenment lighten our mortgage?! haha then he really listened and said that I played the "4 Agreements" with him b/c it happened to coincide with me apologizing for being a crab today! No excuses, so I won't dwell on reasons why, but was slightly displacing my aggravations. He said that by reinforcing to HIM to "not take things personally"...that was not a free pass for me to be displacing my anger or as he said using him as a whipping boy! I told him that I was proud of him for being "aware" of the situation! you to the sky...feel free to enter any, none, all of the above ya!
Great post, Kat! Thanks for playing....see u tomorrow!

Introducing Kathy, "Cougar" Mama-cita and her commentary on the 4 Agreements

Behold, my darling Mommy! Sweet Mom, so glad to have you with us on this challenge. I know what you are thinking- we look like sisters...yeah! I know, we get that ALL the time. Hope I age as gracefully as her! She had a 19 inch waist when she got married. Unfortunately I couldn't fit in her dress...when I was 12!
No complaints here, I appreciate my sturdy nature. It is hard to knock me down! haha

I tend to have *FIREWORKS- like* energy at the onset of any challenge, and then sometimes after the fun, explosions, and excitement is over...sometimes I drift away from the task at hand- much like the smoke from the fireworks (ADD, anyone? I prefer to say CREATIVE or ENTREPRENEURIAL triggered ADD....thank you very much) So, my point being...I'm countin' on YOU, Mom,  to keep up your end of the deal! Full steam ahead! 
Mom is a book lover, and a kind, gentle, nurturing soul. She is taking a break from Dental Hygiene, and her patients are already missing her, but she has really been enjoying rocking out on her Wii dance during her sabbatical. Her father (my grandfather John) passed away right before Christmas and she spent much of her time caring for him.  Now that he's in heaven, she's taking some much needed time to care for herself.

From the time I was a child, Mom would relax and retreat in the comfort of her books. She has quite a collection. She also has an extensive collection of workout DVDs, you name it- she's bought it. Yes, Mom...the Billy Blanks Tae Bo VHS tapes are a STEAL at only $1...but I don't have a freakin' VCR anymore. Thanks for volume 1-12 though! Mean it- Love you!  Mom is a voracious reader, and she does read all the books she buys. But the workout equipment, and fitness library...goodness gracious...hello, Craigslist?  We have enough for a Gold's Gym here, people.

So, since I take walks with "Brian" (aka- ahem, actually not him, but his digital PhilosophersNotes-ha!) Brian is going to be Mom's new walking buddy hopefully throughout this challenge. "Digital-Brian" is my favorite walking buddy. He always adjusts to my pace, whether it is fast or slow. He's always up for a walk- he'd be up for a short run if I wanted. Shoot, he can even double on a bicycle with me!  He never backtalks, always has something inspiring and enlightening to say...and he is ready to go at a moment's notice, and never complains when I drag him to wait in carpool line, but happily keeps me company. haha

So, Mom has emailed her blog post in to me to post....he're goes! Enjoy!_________________________
Kathy writes:
As far as the Four Agreements go,  I might add that I have been using the "Make your word impeccable" for quite a while now...since I first read the book a few years ago and I can say without hesitation, that I have noticed a subtle, but profound change in the actual language that I speak. I am much more aware and careful that everything I say is the truth and that it is honest. That, in turn, holds me to a higher standard which seems to spill over into my entire value system. It's like you get used to "doing the right thing" and when you misstep, you are immediately drawn back into line because of the palpable discomfort you feel being out of sync...does that make sense??? I am glad to be actually “participating” in this blog! In the meantime, I will try to figure out how to do it myself...________________________________________________________
YaY Mom...thanks for playing. Gosh, it is midnight. Hugs and tomorrow! xo

Day #1 PhilosophersNotes Challenge-The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Wow..the Four Agreements! Short, but POWERFUL book. I'll start with the 4 Agreements:
#1- Be impeccable with your word. (Do what you SAY you're gonna do)
#2- Don't take anything personally!
#3- Don't make assumptions (not from the book, but spell ASSUME...makes an ASS out of U and ME!)
#4- Always do your best.
Yes, these concepts are simple, but check out this quote by Ruiz," Nothing other people do is because of YOU; it is because of THEMSELVES.  Get it?
Did somebody say something nasty and unwarranted to you? Is that really a reflection of who YOU are or who THEY are in that moment? Let is SLIDE off.  Mom used to say "put your Crisco on" and I'd mentally prepare myself when having to be exposed to toxic people to let their comments and criticisms "SLIDE" right off of me- much like water slides off a duck's back! Ridiculous image, I know...but it works when I remember to "think" like that!

Besides listening to the notes and being mindful for what I'm grateful for on gratitudelog, I'm also trying to add more WATER and daily exercise to the challenge....yeah, not sure if this is in direct conflict with Agreement #1 because I have hardly had a glass of water today. Might be trying to hold myself accountable to a little too much ontop of all my other responsibilities. I can't help it...I am just a "shoot for the moon, and even if you miss, you'll land amongst the stars" kinda gal!  No water means I'm dehydrated, but we had a lovely dinner, all the laundry is done, lunches made, orders assimilated to be worked on tomorrow...dehydrated, but happy! haha!

OK, back to the note! Being a pleaser it is hard for me to say NO, so #1 Be impeccable with your word totally resonated with me as a weakness of mine. I do completely tell the truth, but sometimes I cannot meet all the obligations I volunteer for, or fail to decline gracefully. I try to do too much, put myself in a quandry, and will stay up until all hours of the night to see that it gets done. Jamming yourself up because you can't say a polite, firm, "NO" doesn't do anyone good! Gonna work on that starting NOW.
#2 Loved the mantra "I'm totally independent of the good or bad opinion others have of me" was also very powerful.  This ties in so well with not taking things personally and believing that what people say about you reveals more about THEM than YOU. Thicker skin in 2010!
#3 Loved the reminders of CANI- Constant and Neverending Improvement from Tony Robbins, and the philosophy of Kaizen. So much goodness in this note, you could spend all 50 days dissecting and mastering just the highlights of the note. Happy to be on this journey with my Mom, my sister, and 1500 like minded souls! Bring on Day #2! Brian, YOU ROCK buddy! Thanks for your CANI-KAIZEN-ARETE-liciousness!

If you dig this summary of The Four Agreements and would like to download a free PhilosophersNote, you can get yours here.   Sweet Dreams! xox, Electra

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome to Wisdomology101!

Welcome to Wisdomology101's blog! We are 3 "live your best life" ladies (who happen to be in the same family) on a mission to jumpstart 2010 and put ourselves and our personal growth back on the to-do list!  Cheers to that! We are embarking on a 50 day challenge to open our hearts and minds, to release toxic thoughts and people (and perhaps a little cellulite! ha) and to let  joy and the vision of our highest and best selves rise to the surface. Feel free to join us on this journey! Here's our plan of attack:
For 50 days, we'll strive to do the following each day:
1. Absorb the "big ideas" from a great self development book or work by a philosopher. Thanks to Brian Johnson and his "insanely genius" PhilosophersNotes, this is as easy as listening to a 20 minute mP3. (Imagine an entertaining, audio "CliffsNotes" summary of thought provoking books. Check it out here.
2. Express our gratitude daily whether it be online at or written in our personal journals.
3. Do some form of movement/exercise for 30 minutes each day. I like to walk while I listen to my mP3 player, but any form of movement will do! Yoga, wii, name it. Movement rocks!
4. We will consciously drink more WATER and add at least ONE serving of fresh fruit or veggies to our daily consumption.
So, here goes! We'll try to share it all- the good, the bad, the joyous, and the we are all in different places/stages in our lives. A quick recap of our sparkly hostesses on this challenge:
*Electra- 36 year old Mompreneur, with 2 boys under 6, loves all things inspirational!
*Katherine- 31 year old new mommy to precious 6 month baby girl, is a loving, doting wife and Twilight fan!
*Kathy- (age is just a number) is the proud Mama of E and K, and she is thinking of starting a blockbuster franchise with all her unused fitness equipment and extensive wellness library of books, videos, gadgets, etc.
Seriously, she is enjoying her retirement spoiling her grandchildren and chillin' with her beloved Pom-poo, Sebastian.  So...that is a quick peek into our lives as we take this challenge one baby step at a time! Join us!